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Clicking on the title of each presentation will take you to a Google Form. Enter the correct password for that presentation, and you will be given the link to make a copy of the presentation for yourself. Click on the dropdown arrow to see a description of the presentation.

An overview of Blended Learning, including basic vocabulary and styles followed by hands-on lessons for 3 modules. Participants will walk away with a self-created digital learning portfolio of notes, tools, and lessons to be used in the classroom. We will start with an overview of Blended Learning. Then we will introduce the template each participant will use to create their digital learning portfolio, a place to take notes, practice the tools they will learn, and create a fully blended learning lesson they can use in the classroom. We will cover three areas of content: Content Building Tools, Curation Tools, and Assessment Tools. A plethora of tech tools will be introduced for the participants to create their lessons.

Content Building Tools - Screencastify, Screencast-o-matic, Loom, WeVideo, PearDeck

Curation Tools - Padlet, Wakelet, Google Sites, Symbaloo,

Assessment Tools - choice boards, Flipgrid, hyperdocs (MMTS), PlayPosit, EdPuzzle

Do your students have the same learning objectives yet they are at different levels academically? Have you noticed a gap this year due to consequences of the pandemic? Tailored for both synchronous or asynchronous learners, you will leave this session with a plethora of differentiation tools to increase student achievement and close the learning gap. Whether you are adapting the learning environment, content, procedures, or expected outcomes, we will guide you through five ways to differentiate in the classroom.

The reciprocity of formative assessments is teachers improve their teaching, and students improve their learning by identifying strengths and weaknesses in real time and providing ongoing feedback throughout a lesson. We will usher you through a variety of formative assessment tools that can be used in any classroom at any grade level. Each lesson becomes an opportunity to build, refine, and improve both the learning and the teaching of a particular topic. When used discerningly, formative assessment tools create an insightful iterative process beneficial to both teacher and student.

You probably have heard the phrase, “put on your own oxygen mask first.” Learn how to do just that in this session with apps, self-care, yoga, and breathing. How can you lead and serve your staff effectively if you don’t take care of yourself first? While complete avoidance of stress is unlikely, take this journey to discover ways to combat fatigue, shift your energy levels, and gain focus. Set yourself up for success with tools that can be implemented throughout your day. You don’t have to be perfect, but we will show you how you can be your best self and continue to live a life of service for those you care about.

Utilize digital portfolios as an alternative way to create meaningful assessments without the cumbersome grading time. Teach your students to use various platforms to demonstrate growth and authentic learning over a longer period of time. Teach your students to use various platforms such as Google Slides, Google Sites, or Wakelet to demonstrate growth and authentic learning over a longer period of time. Digital Portfolios allow students to demonstrate their creativity and unique personalities along with fostering independence, responsibility, and ownership over their learning. Beyond exhibiting mastery of content, students can develop critical thinking, communication, and problem solving skills while shaping their digital footprint in a positive way.

Make your overall well-being a priority so that you can give your optimal self to others. Set an example for your students by being the best version of yourself and use these techniques with them in a variety of learning situations. Gain practical skills to take care of yourself as well as to work with your students to nurture a more peaceful and balanced life in mind, body, and spirit in any subject area at any grade level. Starting with an overview of how stress affects our overall well being, learn breathing techniques and basic yoga poses to deal with stress in your own life, both in and out of the classroom. Next, learn specific activities and lessons to do with your students in the classroom, helping them learn to self-regulate and implement tactics to restore calm in their lives. (Participants will be lead through creating a virtual wellness room using Bitmoji and Google Slides/Powerpoint). Finally, learn how to recognize patterns when you feel tension, as well as what tools you can implement to give yourself the best opportunity to prevent stress and instill a sense of calm on a regular basis.


Click on the name of each tool for access to an infographic with a description, caveats, tutorials, pricing, and more.